


  • Your party can hold up to eight people
  • In a party, it shows the name, job, level, and if they're online or not

How to withdraw from a party

  • Right click on character and select "Exit from party"
  • (Leader) The leader can disband the party from the party window or from right clicking the character.

The Party Leader

  • The party leader is the first person to make it
  • The party leader can invite other people into the party
  • The party leader can change the name of the party, 8 Char Max, or from party window
  • The party leader can kick out other members from the party window
  • The party leader can disband the party from the party window or from right-clicking the character

Experience distribution

  • You only receive your other party member's exp when on the same map and is logged in
  • If the monster your party member is fighting is 12 levels higher than you, you won't get exp from it
  • Party Dis. Exp = Mob EXP x (LV ÷ PT's own LV total +1)

Party Bonus

  • 71hk183.jpg
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